First of all, thank you very much for all of your extremely nice comments on FB & Twitter while I was there! And a huge shout out of gratitude to Bonnie, Mary Anne and Frank, who were kind enough to don my new Lost Fan tees and be on my 'team.'

It is hard to describe the energy in Hall H at the San Diego Convention Center, the enthusiasm of 6500 Lost fans & press, and the general fervor for the last ever panel featuring our favorite series. But it was electric and exciting to say the least.
I forget the order, but they showed two new videos at the beginning of the panel. The first was a Dharma documentary called Mysteries of the Universe. This video is going to be one of the most talked about and over analyzed for months to come, because it was chock full of Easter Eggs and potential clues. The very first was the statement that "they look like us, they talk like us, they walk among us, yet they are not us." Consider the whole 'us vs. them' mentality and that (in Season 3) we learn that one of Jack's tattoos reads "he walks among us, but is not one of us." HELLO! Conspiracy theorists, start your engines.
The video also mentions secret societies, and that a new clandestine organization has formed (The DI). The pseudo television series Mysteries of the Universe: The Dharma Initiative floats the following words at the end of the video: alien life forms, paranormal activity, monsters, ancient cultures, conspiracy, cults. Now I know they're messing with my head, because while they have addressed almost all of those topics, I would be VERY surprised if they ever went in the direction of outer space. My biggest fear for Lost is that it would end in the style of that last Indiana Jones film; yikes!

That they decided to highlight fan-generated content at the panel is a real indication of their unique relationship with the people who support their series. The montage of clips created by very clever fans was very entertaining, and I applaud their creativity.

To be honest, I usually dread the audience question portion of any panel, because of those who choose to waste every one's time with questions that were clearly not well thought out. However, I was very pleased with the inquires and statements from this particular panel. When the first two people asked about the possible similarities between Seasons 1 and 6, we were all very happy to hear their response:
"There is a good chance that you'll be seeing many characters that you haven't seen since the first season."And then actor/comedian Paul Scheer (Human Giant) appeared at the mic! I'm not sure that everyone in the audience recognized him or realized that he was a plant, but his shtick was hysterical nonetheless. Basically, he presented Darlton with velvet panting of them with a white polar bear and gave us the name of the website accompanying it; check out Damon Carlton And A Polar Bear. Love it.
The second (real) fan question resulted in yet another outburst of applause, because Darlton said the following:
"Technically speaking, if Jack and crew were successful, it could mean that Faraday would be happily married...You could be seeing Faraday on the show."
I love how they keep changing the rules of the game on Lost; that every season premiere and finale are mind-blowing and unexpected is one of the main reasons that I absolutely love the show. So when Darlton said that they are doing something different in Season 6, I was not surprised. We've had flashbacks, flashforwards and time shifts...so I'm on board for whatever new method of storytelling they choose for the final season.
I would love to hear the 100 submissions of original music that ABC received for their Lost Theme Song contest, because the winning song was pretty impressive. UPDATE: here is a link to the song by the first runner-up (which I really like): Kawnar's "Where We Are."
As for the "commercials" that played, I will point you in Doc's direction. He has posted the Hurley & Oceanic videos, as well as the Kate video. There is already some fascinating speculation about the underlying meaning of the content in each of these videos, and after I recover from Comic-Con I plan to address them in detail as well.

And I was thrilled when Darlton reiterated that only the questions "that matter" will be answered by the time the series ends. I have been guilty of this in the past, but I really think that people need to come to terms with the fact that some smaller details may remain mysteries because they are insignificant to the larger picture.
When we heard the distinctive voice of Benjamin Linus, we knew were were about to experience the brilliance of Michael Emerson in the flesh. He and Jorge traded barbs back and forth at the mic, and it was so damn funny. I got an instant visual reminder of the great scene between Ben and Hurley outside of Jacob's cabin, when they shared an Apollo bar. Jorge told the audience that Emerson originally wanted to play Hurley, and then proceeded to show us Emerson's audition tape. It featured Emerson in a bandanna, reading one of Hurley's scenes in a very non-Ben and non-Hurley way; rather blandly. It was fantastic.

Emerson and Jorge then joined Darlton on stage, and we were told that we would be treated to more Richard Alpert in the final season, as well as his backstory.
"As one might infer, Richard's flashback is fairly involved."So of course I am hoping we'll see just how the Black Rock landed in the middle of the island, and Alpert's association with it.
My favorite fan question of the panel was from the dude in the Dharma suit who said that he cried like a girl when Juliet died. I feel your pain, man. I cried too. He asked if Juliet was okay, and if not...can they make her okay? Imagine my joy from Darlton's response:
"This returns to the idea of whether or not her detonating the bomb had the desired effect. And if it did, my guess would be that she's okay. Elizabeth Mitchell will be on Lost in the final season."Next, legendary Comic-Con reporter/comedian Bob Stencil put on a brief theatrical performance at the mic, complete with fake nose bleed and "hold on, I need my Constant," followed by the opening of a Dharma beer. Darlton are obviously familiar with him, because they gave him a custom Bob Stencil hatch t-shirt!
The next fan question was one I knew that would not receive an upfront response - if Jacob's nemesis MysteryMan/NotLocke was named Esau. Darlton had Emerson answer, and he was as vague as they tend to be. While his name is probably not Esau, those who believe he is are heading in the right direction.

Another cool Hurley look-a-like (who was handing out leis to fellow fans in line before the panel and greeting them with "Namaste!") asked Darlton about how much of the Dharma Initiative we'll see in S6, and basic response was - very little.

Darlton gave shout outs to their entire team, who have worked so hard behind the scenes for the last five years; it was a very nice gesture, and classy.

Holloway is so damn charming in person; he OWNED that room (and the same could be said for the press room; more on that later). He pointed to Nestor's seat and said "the make-up chair's right there." Ha!

While I know this little act wasn't intended to be a dig at the other series (because Darlton are friends with some of their creative team), it does point out in glaring spotlight just how far Heroes has fallen...compared to the consistently stellar writing, acting and production on Lost season after season.
After Darlton thanked the fans for their many years of support, they showed a touching tribute (In Memoriam) of the characters who have died on Lost. Now, given that they had just revealed that we'd be seeing both Faraday and Juliet in S6...I am quite intrigued that Faraday was among those in the video but Juliet was not.


Overall, I was VERY pleased with the Lost panel and it exceeded my expectations by a mile. It was full of laughs and nostalgia, but I think I'm in denial that this is the last one. I would spend the night in line again in a heartbeat because it was worth every minute of it. The number of cast members that appeared was impressive and we appreciated it so much. I really loved how they introduced each surprise guest, rather than simply bringing them out on stage all at once. I realize how very lucky we were to be among the 6500 people who were there to experience this in person, and it is a memory that I will cherish.
Thank you again for following me on Twitter and being such a great reading audience! I truly appreciate all of your comments and loved meeting so many of you in person this week.
Thank you for your recap.
I am so happy for you and the awesome opportunities that are continuing to come your way. You do such a great job and there's no doubt as to what your "destiny" is. I was SO happy to hear about your access with LOST for Comic Con. I'm sure it won't stop there!!
Anil said he had a blast hanging out with you and all the Losties.
I wish I was there to finally meet up with you and all the LOST fans.
Hoping one day our paths will cross.
Keep on ROCKIN!
Thanks for all the news and footage, and especially this great recap. Almost as good as being there.
As always it was great to hang out with you and I am glad we were able to get the crowd a little riled up for the trivia.
Definitely one of the many moments I will never forget! :)
Jo: This recap definitely summed up our LOST Comic Con experience! Your enthusiasm was contagious! So great seeing you again and it was an honor to be part of Team JOpinionated!
Thank you for the recap! It sounds like such an extraordinary experience. :D It's making me itch for the start of LOST and then not. I want to savor all the mysteries and questions before the final season opens. :)
Great job on the summary Jo! You mentioned our t-shirts and that reminded me to tell you that I had several people ask me while I was in the other panels where I got my shirt, and even had one person try to barter with me for your pin! I didn't give it up though! So you got some shout outs that you weren't aware of. :)
Jo: Excellent recap of a fun time! Thanks so much for consistently satisfying our LOST cravings! It was great to follow you and the rest of the LOSTIES over the long weekend at the Con. It's almost as if I was there with you!...wish I had a bobble head or other swag to prove it! Congrats!
Lucky lucky you, Jo. You made me very very jealous. Its a well written article, specially the final thoughts part, only a true Lost fan can understand your heartfelt sentiments. You rock!
Wonderful job, as always.
You're awesome. You must know it.
And of course, the fact you love Elizabeth. It makes you made of so much win.
Thanks Jo!!!
Thank god I didn't get into the "Burn Notice" panel the day before, because that made me get into the "Lost" line early enough to get in!
Hope you also made it to the "Totally Lost" panel. I was sitting by the door and was getting peeved because everytime the door opened, I couldn't hear what was being said. Then suddenly right beside me, I hear "What the hell is going on?" and it's Damon and Carlton walking by me, soon followed by Michael Emerson, who answered questions for ten minutes! Great stuff!
Great write-up!
Is it January yet?!?
WOW and i have not even clicked on any of the links yet. What an amazing panel!!! Thanks for sharing it with us all.
Great reporting Jo! Thanks very much for sharing it with us.
Great article. I followed you on twitter, and you did a great job with that also.
Thank you!!
thank you a lot for this great report. I was too far away (in Europe, to be precise), but thank to your report I could experience that unique atmosphere of LOST panel.
About Mysteries of the Universe: I begun to analyze the first episode and with help of some friends we could find something. I'm not really sure, whether it's just a huge amount of coincidences, but... There was a picture of an invoice from the company "WAKY radio" in the video. We researched a little and found really many things: another John Locke, Stonehenge, "leader" message, etc. etc.
What do you think about it?
I just hope, it is not the next polar bear incident or red herring :-)
Really excellent recap, Jo! And fantastic pics, just what I was hoping for, WAY better than my personal pics. Thanks for all of the info and support, it was terrific meeting you, can't wait for your next post, and every one after that! All the best - aka Loster21
Thanks so much, Jo, for the recaps and the interviews. You ask the right questions and that's a biggie after watching so many interviews when the "reporter" seems to only have a slight knowledge of the show. You rock!
Thanks so much for the excellent and detailed coverage! It's a nice consolation prize for those of us who couldn't be there. :)
Thanks so much for the good words, and we loved spending time with you at the Con! Being part of the Jopinionated team made everything all the better!
We really appreciate it!
Frank and Linda
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