I am in San Diego covering many television panels as press at Comic-Con for TVOvermind, but took this opportunity to address Mitchell directly because I will not be able to do so following the V panel on Saturday.
The truth? My heart was racing, my knees were knocking and everything I had thoughtfully planned out to say to her flew out the window when I approached the microphone. The convention staff are very strict and insist upon actual questions rather than statements, so that threw me off course. But I was not about to be stymied, so I managed to say a little something to her AND throw in a question at the end. I believe it sounded like this...
"Elizabeth Mitchell. I am your biggest Lost fan, in a non-stalker kind of way. I even designed my red t-shirt in your honor. I've loved you since Gia and can't wait for V. My question is this: what has the transition been like from working on Lost in Hawaii to the set of V? Thank you!"It is a blur at this point, but I was relieved to have received a laugh from both her and the audience with the stalker comment. Below is my favorite photo - my better half was able to capture her response to that:

It was the best 30 seconds of my Comic-Con thus far, and a true Lost highlight in my life. And while I know that I will see Mitchell again at the V panel, I am still holding out hope that she'll make a surprise appearance at the Lost panel shortly before that...and I promise not to go near a microphone at either. :)
File this one under: had to share.
UPDATE: Click here to hear my question and watch Mitchell's reaction for yourself!
Did anyone ask her if she plans to be in Hawaii next year after V finishes filming in January?
haha, great job, Jo.
Sigourney, Zoe and Elisabeth!
Don't you love how your heart-rate keeps climbing in the seconds before you grab that mike!
Did anyone ask her if Juliet was pregnant in the finale?
you HAD to mention Gia didn't you, lol, hey i LUV her too
So happy you got to ask her a question Jo. Nicely done!
Yay, yay, yay! The pic of the panel smiling at your comment is priceless. Congrats!
- e
I'm SO happy for you! It must have been a great moment! Thanks for sharing it!
Yeah, Mitchell and her husband live across the sound from me in Seattle so I am hoping one of these days they will come in for dinner. Ted Allen came in last weekend so you never now.
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