1. On LOST, the deceased tend to make appearances in the form of either a flashback or an apparition. So do you expect Ethan to emerge again at some point in Season 5 or Season 6?
WM: I'd be silly to guess, but let's say I'm hoping!2. When you get the call to make an appearance on a new episode of LOST, how much of a time frame are you given to check your availability w/current projects and then fly to Hawaii?
WM: It depends. Anywhere from a couple months to a week or so.3. What was it like returning to film the Missing Pieces mobisode with Matthew Fox?
WM: It was a ball, even to do just one scene. Matthew and I get along well, and he's fun to work with. In fact, I had to go over twice to do it, as the first one didn't work b/c of a camera failure...4. As a fan of the show, were you intrigued and/or surprised by the clues in your particular episode, that you had a wife and that she died during childbirth? Do you think it was Sabine, or another woman that Juliet failed to save?
WM: Again, I'd be silly to guess...but that's never stopped me before: a woman different than Sabine.5. Next week, you begin a month-long stint starring in Glengarry Glenn Ross in your home state of Kentucky. You are still quite involved in the community, so it must be nice to return and perform there.
WM: Thank you. I've been looking forward to it all year. Rehearsals are going well, and we open next week. And I'm very much enjoying being so near to family and friends.6. You’ve appeared on the stage, in episodes of several popular television series’ and in many independent films and blockbusters. Do you have a preference for one over another?
WM: No, they all have their pros and cons. Wherever the best work is, that's where I want to be...7. What can you tell us about the film The Burrowers, and when do you expect it to be released in theaters?
WM: It's a horror-western, and the story is not unlike the classic The Searchers. A group of us go after some kidnapped settlers, and we learn that they weren't taken by Indians -- whoops! It plays next month at the prestigious Toronto Film Fest. It should be out in '09. Also out soon should be Hurt, another indie I shot last year. It's a thriller.8. What was it like working with writer/director JT Petty (who wrote the screenplay for the Batman Begins videogame)?
WM: JT was a joy to work with. He's smart and funny and trusts his actors. I'd work with him again in a second.9. Had you met fellow LOST alum Clancy Brown (Kelvin Inman) before working on this film with him?
WM: No, but I had met LOST alum Doug Hutchinson (Horace Goodspeed). We worked two years earlier on Moola.10. How did you become involved with the Screen Actors Guild Board of Directors?
WM: Last fall I was elected to a three-year term on the Board of Directors. I now serve on several committees for the Guild. It's been a very satisfying experience, despite the obstacles we face in protecting actors' futures.I would really like to thank William for taking the time to answer a few questions!
For more information and to keep up with the latest news about William's career and community involvement, please visit his official website.
And of course we can hope that the original Other Man will make an appearance in the next season or two of LOST...
Very cool Jo! Best thing about your interview? You didn't ask him about being Tom Cruise's cousin...I am sure he is completely beaten by that one.
Great interview! I love that hearing that they keep him in the dark about his character.
that was a sweet little interview - nice job! i liked that you didn't just ask him about LOST, and that I got to learn more about his other projects that I otherwise might not have known to be on the lookout for later. thanks!!!
Very Cool. I agree with everything that the other (haha, I said other) commentors said. It would be awesome to see him in Glengarry Glenn Ross. Anyone up for a trip to Kentucky?
Was this over the phone or is he local?
Neat-o! Good job! :-D
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