Last night I attended a show by Previously on Lost, the fantastic band who literally write and record songs about every episode of Lost shortly after they air. Their lyrics are both hysterical and quite clever, and they are currently performing original tunes from Season 4.

In addition to inflatable palm trees and hula girls on mic stands, their stage includes a mini shrine to their muse, J. J. Abrams.

For those of you in the Los Angeles area, I highly recommend that you catch their all-ages show at The Knitting Factory (only $10!) on Thursday, because the actor who played young Ben Linus (Sterling Beaumon) in "The Man Behind the Curtain" will be accompanying the band on stage! Apparently this talented 13 year old is a musician as well as an actor.
This wasn't from last night, but here is a video of "Be My Constant," which captures their flavor and enthusiasm. Even those who don't watch Lost will appreciate their music and live performances, so spread the word, buy their CD, go to a show and support the band!
Very clever guys. I think I heard them on the Lost Podcast with Jay & Jack. Definitely fun to listen to.
I don't think, however, it would be too appealing to the non-Lost fan. With that being said, is there really a calling for a Lost Recap Rock Show?
I've only heard a couple of their songs, but would it really be worth paying $10 bucks to hear 'em do a recap of a show from a season or two ago? Don't get me wrong, I'd subscribe to a weekly download to give it a couple listens-to after a show airs, but after that...well I don't know.
Chris - I appreciate your comment.
I do believe that there is a definite audience and interest in this type of band and performance. To each their own, right? :)
When Lost fans listen to their music or see them live, they will appreciate the attention to detail that the guys apply to each episode's song.
And in my opinion, non-Lost fans would enjoy Previously on Lost live, even if just for their stage presence and presentation.
My $.02.
- Jo
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