1. a word, phrase or sentence formed from another by rearranging its letters.
1. a word, phrase or sentence formed from another by rearranging its letters.
I don't know about you, but I love figuring out the anagrams that the LOST producers and writers cleverly embed in episodes of the show each season. Take a look at what they've delivered so far, inadvertently or otherwise:

[the real Sawyer; 2 of Locke's dad's aliases]:
Sawyer, the con man, a poor dad

[guy who got sucked into turbine in Pilot ep.; author of Bad Twin book & manuscript read by Sawyer]:

[Ben's fake name/hometown,which he stole from deceased hot air balloonist Henry Gale]:
See An Other Man Lying
hotel westerfield anagram
using only lit up letters
"we first to hell"
in "the little prince"
bens van has written on it
which means "REINCARNATION"
remember locke teaching walt to throw knifes in first season??
I like tombride's idea. Has anyone found an anagram for Ben/Benjamin Linus other that the one listed here?
tombride said
RICHARD ALPERT = rare child trap
tombride said
dharma initiative-- a hint: raid via time
Department of Heuristics And Research on Material Applications-- Here no act of time passes part. Our island children paint a time arc.
and also
Penelope’s pilot crashes. In Antarctica, fraud is the madman terror.
Ajira Airlines
A Jail, Air Risen
Arisen Air Jail
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