Here are my initials thoughts and questions about tonight's new episode.
It appears as if the plane landed in one piece on the island....the question is, which island? Caesar & co. are on the smaller Hydra island, and Jack & co. are on the main island.
The plane also seems to have landed rather smoothly/safely. Was it somehow 'placed' there during the event window?
Hurley, Jack, Kate, Sayid and Sun 'disappeared' during the flash on the flight while other passengers remained and crashed on the island in the plane. Were they all 'placed' relatively uninjured on the island during the first crash too (815)?
Sadly, Locke has had very bad luck with regard to cars...
- Mom Emily was run down while 6 months pregnant with him; he was born prematurely
- Locke was hit by a car when he encountered his mom in a parking lot years later
- He was in a car accident in LA after Abaddon was shot

- Michael was hit by a car in NY before flight 815; he was badly injured but lived
- Michael tried to kill himself by crashing his car in the future; same outcome
- Jack witnessed a car crash on the bridge before attempting suicide; everyone lived
- Kate and her doctor ex were in a car accident while escaping authorities; she was fine, he died
- Kate and the Marshall crashed in the rain when she saw a black horse on the road; she escaped, he was knocked out
- Kate crashed the farmer's truck when the Marshall caught up with them; she escaped, he was injured
- Claire and her mom were in an accident; she was injured, mom wound up in a coma
- Before being taken to the island, Locke's dad Anthony Cooper was in a car accident
- Hurley crashed his car after being chased by the police in LA; he was fine
- Shannon's dad crashed into Jack's future wife Sarah; he died, Jack miraculously repaired her back
- Juliet's ex-husband was hit by a bus; he died
Who did they belong to?
In the future/past, when Sawyer & co. take the canoes and shoot at the people who are following them...will we find out that it was Lapidus and Sun? Does one of them get wounded by a Juliet shot?
By now, most of you know that I have a particular interest in Jeremy Bentham (his FB page and blog are still live, FYI). Last summer at Comic-Con, I had the opportunity to pose a question to Damon & Carlton about the selection of that name, and asked if they chose it because of the real philosopher Bentham's creation of the Panopticon. Here is their response:
"The panopticon is obviously, among other things, why we selected that name."I've always considered the island to be a prison of sorts, and am fascinated by the idea that they are being watched and observed without their knowledge or permission. It certainly seems to be a more feasible concept with the current direction of the show than it was just a few months ago.
There has to be more than one island exit location. How else do you explain how quickly both Alpert and Big Tom traveled to and fro? That submarine was not a very fast mode of transportation, no matter WHEN and where the island was in relation to the real world.
I have to say that I've always believed that Ben could really be one of the good guys. Until tonight, I was almost convinced. I'm not sure why I ever thought that way; we have not seem much evidence of good will from that man. Now I have a sinking feeling that not only did Ben go after and possibly kill Penny...he is responsible for the deaths of others' loved ones, like Nadia and Helen (I don't believe her cause of death for one second; come on, she's "where she's supposed to be."). Did he have Juliet's sister taken care of too?
Did Ben 'change the rules' by killing Locke?
Was he waiting to kill him after finding out whether or not he knew about Hawking?
Ben had to know that Locke wouldn't stay dead, that the island determines when he can die based upon the work he did on its behalf.
When the hell will the island be done with Ben and let him die? Hopefully we'll see Smokey or Jacob punish or torture him for his egregious actions at some point.
Did Ben place the obit for Bentham, or did Widmore?
Was he lying when he told Locke that whomever turns the Frozen Donkey Wheel can never return to the island?
If he was genuinely surprised to find out that Jin is alive, is that an indication that he no longer has anyone on the island feeding him information?
Upon his return to the island on 316, how is his relationship with Richard Alpert?
Even though he is 'special,' he does not heal as quickly off-island.
Obviously he and Illana know each other. Did Widmore hire them to return to the island with Ben and the O5 (minus Aaron)? There is also mistrust between them...
He and Illana know who Locke is; when he gave his name, they gave each other the infamous Lost Look with Island Eyes of Special Secrets.
He went specifically looking for the drawer of Dharma maps; he's either been there before or was well instructed. Given that he found the Imaginary, Real & Space Time diagram, he is also familiar with the island's time shifts, but is pretending to be out of the loop when talking with Locke.
Is there any significance to the relationship between this new Caesar and Frank Lapidus, and Julius Caesar and Marcus Lepidus? If I'm not mistaken, Lepidus was one of Caesar's closest allies and second in command...
How did he know exactly WHEN Locke was going to turn the Frozen Donkey Wheel and exit the island via Tunisia? Does Future Faraday inform them?
Have his video cameras been installed long - did they capture Ben's previous arrival too?
In addition to financially backing Faraday, did Widmore also fund Charlotte's research too? Is that why she knew to look in Tunisia for the Dharma polar bear collar at the archaeological dig site? He is "deeply invested in the future of the island" after all...
We meet him at 17 years old on the island, when he was a soldier under Richard Alpert. Was he being groomed to become the leader of the island at that time? At what point did he assume that position? Was it with or without Alpert's approval/assistance?
If he was indeed exiled from the island, was that at the behest of Jacob or Alpert?
Did he exit via Tunisia as well?
Is he the one who is paying for and continuing the Dharma food drops? Not that we've seen any in a while.
At this point in time (in Tunisia), does Widmore know where Penny is or if Ben did indeed go after her as promised before returning to the island?
Locke reanimated upon arrival on the island; it appears that Jack's dad did the same after 815 crashed there.
We haven't seen Sun - did she go with Lapidus? If so, why? Did he know that Jack & co. landed on the other island...is that where they were headed?
He'd studied the flight 815 manifest when he was hired by Abaddon to pilot the chopper to the island. Did he then instinctively grab the 316 manifest after talking to Jack and realizing that he was going back to the island?
Are we sure that she really died? It seemed like her tombstone was in the same cemetary where she and Locke attended Anthony Cooper's funeral...only, he wasn't dead.
I'm not sure if this is a continuity/production error or not, but prior to tonight, the Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute on the show was located in Los Angeles; not in the actual city of Santa Rosa (which is an hour and a half north of San Francisco). When Jack went to see Hurley there, he didn't fly. It is not very relevant but of course I noticed it.
Is his drawing of Egypt going to come into play? Even though Jorge Garcia has repeatedly said that his first drawing of the igloo (last season) was entirely his idea, I still contend that it relates to Penny's team who found the electromagnetic anomaly while stationed in a frozen region.
In addition, geographically...Egypt and Tunisia are only separated by one country (Libya). Could it be that Egpyt is another island exit portal? And could the ancient 4 toed statue be related?
Does she remind anyone else of a kinder, gentler Ana Lucia? She's also (allegedly) in law enforcement, and kind of resembles Ana's mom Teresa Cortez...a sister perhaps?
What the heck is his role in all of this?
So if he was responsible for helping Widmore get people where they need to be, and made sure that Locke was on flight 815...did he and Widmore work with Hawking to determine the coordinates and event window that was occurring that day? Or Faraday?
Who is she, is she working with Caesar and Illana, or is she the new version of a red shirt with a name that we'll never know?
After Ben and the others kidnapped him on the island, they asked Michael if he'd ever appeared where he wasn't supposed to. So was he actually traveling/transporting back to the island during his 'dreams' about Locke, without realizing it? Does he remember appearing to Locke after Ben had shot him, advising him to get up because he had work to do? Was that a 'dream' as well?
Does he return to the island? Could he have somehow been on flight 316?
If he does return, when and how will he find out about his father's death?
- In the pilot episode after the crash, Locke enjoyed an island orange. In this one, it was a mango.
- Upon arriving in Tunisia after turning the Frozen Donkey Wheel, Ben had an injured arm and Locke had an injured leg.

- Locke as Obi-Wan Kenobi with his blanket head covering, sacrificing himself so that others will survive. Ben as Darth Vadar, killing Locke/Kenobi and turning him into a spirit of sorts (and a more powerful 'force'); another or future Jacob?
I have SO much more, but I must get some sleep. Thanks again for stopping by and reading - I always appreciate your time and comments!