This is just a brief post to thank you for visiting this blog. Considering that there are hundreds of Lost blogs to choose from, many with far greater detail and more frequent posts, I really appreciate that you stop by to read this particular one.
I am taking a step back to reflect on the year, and I can't believe that I only started this site in January of '08! I had been posting Lost theories on my pop culture blog for a while but created this one at the beginning of the year to focus solely on our favorite show. Time has flown by quickly, and YOU have made it a very rewarding journey.
Of course I have to give a shout-out to my online alter ego/summer project Jeremy Bentham, without whom I would still be but a tiny blip in the online Lost community. If I had not created his blog or Facebook page earlier this year, I'm pretty sure that many of you would never have heard of me. I was just a chick playing a dude disguised as another dude. ;)
Happy New Year, Lost friends. I look forward to analyzing and discussing Season 5 with you very soon. Feel free to email or contact me via Facebook any time...and stay tuned for additional interviews, as well as reports from Oahu in February and San Diego/Comic-Con in July!
The light in me honors the light in you. Namaste, indeed.
- Jo