Here's the deal. I love LOST, and so do you and most of your friends; everyone knows someone who watches the show. And as you know, I am always seeking new readers and taking referrals. So I decided that it's time to reward the dedicated.

This contest is simple. The first person to refer 20 LOST fans to me will win a DVD box set of LOST, the season of their choice ($40 retail value; Blu-Ray not included).
Here are three options, should you want to participate:
- Forward me a list of names and email addresses. Your referrals must come from interested parties who have given you permission to provide their names and emails to me. You don't have to gather them all at once; send them a few at a time if you want. If one of your referrals unsubscribes, they are discounted from your total.
- Your friends/referrals can send an email to mailto://jo@jopinionated.com with the word LOST in the subject line and your name in the body of the email (so you get credit for them).
- If you link to this contest on your own blog or website, you will receive 5 credits toward the 20.

The contest will be retroactive, as a few of you have generously pimped me out to the masses recently, and will be open until April 24.
Some might call this bribery, but I prefer to think of it as motivation and incentive.
I like to speculate and share, and you seem to enjoy it. So let's increase the number of people who bookmark this site and want to poke holes in my theories. Let the games begin. Bring it on.
Add me to the distribution list!
I wish I knew 20 people that watched Lost! Or maybe I just wish I knew 20 people.
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