Thursday, August 16, 2012

Cancer Gets LOST

Hello, my long LOST friends! I rarely post on this site anymore, but given the related topic, I am long overdue to update you.

Most of you already know about Cancer Gets LOST, a charity I co-founded with my fellow LOST fan friend Jared Wong. Our charity auction is now open, and features primarily rare and autographed LOST items that we've been collecting for the last two years. There are also items from Community, Fringe, Once Upon a Time, Person of Interest and more up for grabs! 100% of all proceeds benefit the National Brain Tumor Society, a cause very close to my heart

In just over a week, on Saturday, August 25 from noon - 4pm PST, we are hosting a live streaming charity webcast, also to benefit the NBTS.  Anyone around the world will be able to log in and watch it online. We will be reminiscing fondly with former LOST cast and creative, promoting the auction and soliciting donations to the NBTS  (and of course giving away items in return for online donations made during our webcast). 

We are thrilled with the overall interest, amazing auction bids and tremendous generosity of so many who were involved with LOST, and are very thankful for your support! 
