Friday, October 30, 2009

LOST S6 Posters & Lost U T-Shirt Contest Winners!

I love that there are exactly 108 entries for this contest. Thank you to everyone who entered! The following three names were drawn from the hat:

Mike Berti
Lost University T-shirt

Rachel (jaychel)
Lost S6 Poster

Jackie McSherry
Lost S6 Poster

Mike, Rachel and Jackie - please email me with your shipping address!

I really appreciate that so many of you entered. Stay tuned for other contests in the next few months, including one seeking creative photos of yourselves wearing my official Lost Fan button at season premiere parties and various locations all over the world (see my Facebook group wall for rules & details if you'd like to receive a button too!).    

Happy Halloween.



White Rabbit said...

Ermm...Jo, sorry...I think you made a grievous error. I didn't actually see my name on the winner's list...maybe 'tis a blogspot glitch???

oh well, maybe next time...

Babygirl said...

Thank you so much Jo!!!